AirTV Player: Live & Streaming TV Are Better Together
DATE: January 20, 2017 at 3:10 PM
DISH's brand new AirTV was a big hit earlier this month at CES 2017! It shows how DISH is leading the market when it comes to providing every TV viewing option possible to consumers.
In fact, AirTV won a big award at CES. It was recognized as the Best Home Theater Product by Engadget. They spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out the winner, but it was the combination of streaming content and over-the-air broadcast TV that clenched the deal for AirTV. No one else has created a user interface that blends these TV viewing options into one location on your television set.
What an extraordinary product!
One Place for All Your Favorite Shows
With AirTV, you can integrate your free over-the-air broadcast channels with SlingTV, Netflix, and more - all on one TV interface that is simple and intuitive to use. The ultimate goal of this easy-to-navigate TV hub is to give you the best viewing experience possible. And since it is supported by Android TV, you get immediate access to a large variety of content and apps through Google Play.
Just imagine going to the AirTV home screen and being able to go back and forth from your local channels to Netflix to SlingTV without needing to exit the platform. That's the power of AirTV!
How does it work? Simply connect the AirTV Adapter into the back of the AirTV Player. The adapter then lets you connect your TV cable from your HD antenna to the AirTV Player. And voilà! You're off and running.
AirTV is bringing the old school and the new school together in regards to how over-the-air channels have been free and available for decades. But now, without switching inputs or remotes, you get the convenience of having it all in the same platform with your Internet streaming content.
Voice Control and Remote Finder
Just speak into the AirTV remote and you'll be able to find exactly what you want to watch. You can give voice commands including show titles, actors and genres to deliver quick search results. It's no longer necessary to use the on-screen keyboard to type your searches letter by letter. With voice control, it dramatically speeds up the process to get you to your favorite shows.
Anyone with kids or a forgetful memory will love the remote finder feature. It's amazing how quickly a remote can end up disguised in a pile of toys or accidentally left in the kitchen while grabbing a bite to eat. No matter where the remote ends up, just push the Remote button on the AirTV Player and your remote will light up and beep until you discover where it's hiding.
4K Quality
Whether you have a 1080p HD TV or 4K Ultra-High Definition, you'll get the pristine and beautiful picture quality you desire with the AirTV player. It's fully equipped to handle the 4K content and let you put that fancy TV of yours to good use.
According to Engadget, "Netflix and YouTube are two of the main sources for 4K video right now, but the good news is that Android TV means you'll have access to more content sources as they become available. Google Play Movies started offering 4K UHD movies recently, and Vudu has a limited selection of high-resolution titles for rent as well."
How the Packages Work
DISH is offering the AirTV packages in two different options. You can get the over-the-air (OTA) adapter combined with the player for $129.99. Or you can get the player by itself to immediately provide all of your streaming content for $99.99. If you decide you want to incorporate the free local channels later, you can get the OTA adapter for $39.99 when you're ready.
But, as you can see, you'll save a nifty $10 if you bundle the player with the adapter right from the beginning.
In the end, with this new DISH product, consumers will find a convenient and fun way to enjoy all the content and entertainment they want with the same familiar experience they love.
Well done, DISH!
Photo credit for all images in this article: AirTV.net
Business Opportunity
RS&I is a master distributor and sales agent for DISH Authorized Retailer's. DISH's AirTV Player will be one of the many options available to retailers to sell. Take a minute to learn more about RS&I and how we can help you build a successful and profitable business venture.
Topics: Authorized Dealer Opportunity