WRITTEN BY: Steve Poulsen
DATE: July 2, 2024

The solar business is a great industry, but recently, it has faced significant challenges. If you are a solar dealer looking to diversify and add other national brand products to your lineup, we have some valuable suggestions for you. RS&I can offer the best Authorized Dealer partnerships in wireless, high-speed fiber internet, and home security. These programs come with high commissions, low costs of entry, and world-class support, making them an excellent addition to your existing solar business.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: November 17, 2023

At RS&I, we’ve always positioned ourselves to facilitate Authorized Dealer programs that are valuable and sustainable for our dealers. We focus our efforts on products and sectors that have large growth opportunities and long-term stability. And wireless phones undoubtedly fall into those parameters.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: September 26, 2023

It’s an annual tradition in the world of wireless – like clockwork, every autumn Apple brings their brand-new devices out from behind the curtain creating major buzz in the tech industry. This year’s iPhone 15 brings unprecedented hype and incredible features. The 4th quarter of the year has become known as the “Golden Quarter” because of the amazing sales growth you can capitalize on. Apple fans don’t miss a chance to upgrade to the latest and greatest, and sellers can’t afford to miss out on the opportunity.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: August 1, 2022

Perhaps you’re already one of our valued dealers. Maybe you’re selling DISH and have a decent market carved out for yourself. Or perhaps you’re selling T-Mobile Home Internet with us and making that your sole focus. Or maybe you’re someone with an established business selling other products and wanting to grow. Our most successful dealers are those who sell a wide variety of products and services with us, and you can easily join that elite group to make yourself even more money than you are currently!

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: August 21, 2020

Sprint has now officially joined forces with T-Mobile, and RS&I authorized retailers are able to be at the center of all the action!

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