When you get set up as a DISH Authorized Retailer through RS&I, you'll be granted access to DISH's online marketing tool – called BrandDRIVE. It came out in the middle of 2015 and is now in full swing to provide funding and marketing assistance to every authorized retailer.
Its simple, straightforward interface makes using the site effortless, meaning you can spend less time in front of your computer and more time in front of your customers. Who wouldn't want that for their business?
Essentially every marketing tactic you need to be Co-opable is available through BrandDRIVE. This means as you build your business, you earn Co-op funds to assist you with paying for your marketing campaigns with a one-stop-shop ordering system.
It's up to you how you use it, but as you can see below you'll be amazed with everything BrandDRIVE offers.