WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: September 26, 2023

It’s an annual tradition in the world of wireless – like clockwork, every autumn Apple brings their brand-new devices out from behind the curtain creating major buzz in the tech industry. This year’s iPhone 15 brings unprecedented hype and incredible features. The 4th quarter of the year has become known as the “Golden Quarter” because of the amazing sales growth you can capitalize on. Apple fans don’t miss a chance to upgrade to the latest and greatest, and sellers can’t afford to miss out on the opportunity.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: September 11, 2023

RS&I is Fiber HQ, and we enable our Authorized Dealers all across the country to sell the best services in their local market. But some consumers may ask, “Why Fiber, and why should I care?”. Here’s a quick rundown of what Fiber means for your customers, and the incredible selling opportunities available to you.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: August 17, 2023

Starting a business or creating growth in an existing one requires people who can effectively generate sales! After all, a business can’t exist without sales hitting their established goals. As such it is crucial to create a strong sales culture in your business and develop or hire people who can consistently sell. It’s sometimes said that certain people are just born with the “sales gene”. And while it may be true that some individuals have a natural aptitude for selling, you can develop people and sharpen their skill sets to mold them into great salespeople. Here are 3 key skills/traits to seek out and cultivate in your business to help drive success.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: July 28, 2023

It seems like an almost-daily occurrence that we see news stories about organizations both large and small being the target of a cybersecurity attack. In today's digital age, cybersecurity should be a critical concern for businesses of all sizes. Small businesses often become attractive targets for cybercriminals due to their perceived limited resources and often less robust security measures. However, by addressing the unfortunate possibility proactively, you can greatly reduce the risk of your business becoming the next victim of cybercriminals. Below are some basics to help you take action that can help protect you and your livelihood. As a bonus, all of this information should be implemented for personal security too. Use these practices in your own life, and leverage them to assist your customers as their trusted technology expert! Please note that the information below serves only as guidelines – nothing can guarantee complete prevention.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: June 30, 2023

Summer represents a season of opportunity, and for many, it presents a unique chance to grow sales. Whether you're a seasoned professional or an entrepreneur just starting out, harnessing the potential of summer sales can significantly increase your success. Here are some helpful guidelines to follow to maximize summer sales and/or door-to-door (D2D) efforts!

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