WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: January 27, 2022

Many people take this time of the year to reflect and refocus for the new year, and it’s not too late to do it. Perhaps you have personal goals to measure against or things you want to improve about yourself this year. We absolutely encourage those kinds of things for your own well-being, but have you ever thought to apply the same approach to your sales and your business? Here are some suggestions to put your best foot forward in 2022.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: November 24, 2021

Here at RS&I, we’re proud to be the source for our dealers to become 1-stop internet shops for their customers. With a wide variety of fantastic providers, we’ve got a solution no matter what your customers' needs might be.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: October 6, 2021

RS&I Authorized Retailers utilize a wide variety of marketing tools in their business to generate sales traffic. While every market and product comes with differences, one marketing tool that is often overlooked is direct mail marketing.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: August 5, 2021

As the country continues to make progress coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, events are coming back in many locations. And after a year of missing out, people are more eager than ever to attend them. Which gives you a wonderful opportunity to get in front of plenty of new faces and grow your business.

WRITTEN BY: Luke Hammerland
DATE: June 10, 2021

You probably already know that RS&I has a wide variety of internet service sales programs available to our dealers, allowing you to provide viable options to your customers regardless of what their needs or location might be. Through our Direct-to-Consumer sales program with T-Mobile operated by Caliber, you now can also sell T-Mobile Home Internet as an Authorized Agent.

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